Northwestern Entrepreneurship

My Journey and How We Can Help Others Find Theirs

Drew Wandzilak
2 min readOct 29, 2020

One of the biggest reasons I chose Northwestern was for its commitment to entrepreneurship and innovation. After going to 30+ information sessions and campus tours at other top institutions around the US, I didn’t get the see what I knew Northwestern had: a multi-faceted ecosystem of entrepreneurs, educators, mentors, and the physical space and tools to build. It was incredible. I knew I wanted to be a part of that community before setting foot on campus freshman year.

I had told myself that I needed to find my place in entrepreneurship at NU. I did some Google searches, attended info sessions, and emailed some people I knew. I received a lot of different information ranging from Farley Center classes, The Garage programming, student groups like EPIC, or school-run pitch competitions. It was overwhelming at first, but I was determined. I talked to as many people as I could, tried everything, and by my time now as a Junior I can say I found my place in entrepreneurship at NU.

This entire experience made me start to think about my peers’ journeys through this community. I heard a lot of similar stories. Students that knew they wanted to be entrepreneurs or work on a startup came to Northwestern and didn’t quite know where to start. And this doesn’t include the many students who don’t even know what entrepreneurship is when they come here and find it towards the end of their college journey.

So, this is all a long-winded way of saying I made a flowchart. A constantly-iterating diagram that serves as a guide for prospective, incoming, and current students looking to explore entrepreneurial resources here at NU.

Check it out >HERE<.



Drew Wandzilak

thinking about Gen Z and emerging entrepreneurial markets | prev: @BasecampFund @avgfunds | Northwestern